Sunday, February 26, 2012

MP urges people to take part in survey.

<p>HIGH PEAK MP Andrew Bingham is urging local people to fill in a survey sent to him by NHS Derbyshire County about the future of Buxtonas Corbar Birth Centre.</p><p>Andrew has placed the survey on his website and is encouraging High Peak residents to make sure they have their say on the proposals to close Corbar for births.</p><p>Andrew said: aI have written back to PCT chief executive David Sharp regarding the survey to seek clarification on the process. I was told by him and the Chairman, Mark Todd, that the first stage was an engagement with key stakeholders to decide on the way the subsequent consultation would work.</p><p>aWhilst I welcome this survey and will be responding, following a request from me, they have said it is in order for me to publish it so that members of the public can comment. This is good in that people can have their say early, but I have asked for reassurance that this is in no way an attempt to downgrade the subsequent public consultation!</p><p>aI would urge as many people as possible to go to my website, download the survey, fill it out and send it in. There are over 1,300 people on the Facebook page supporting Corbar. If all filled it in then we would have a great start.</p><p>aIf anyone does not have internet access, then please call my office in Buxton on 01298 26698 and we will send one out. Alternatively call in to my office at 20 Broad Walk to collect a copy. </p><p>aWe must show Messrs, Sharp and Todd just how strong the feeling is and just what a vital facility Corbar is.a</p>

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